Marry Me Read online

Page 22

  made, and stepped out of the limousine.

  Fabian was blinded by camera flashes and deafened by

  screaming women.

  He looked around to see who the hell was showing up to

  cause such a reaction but it was simply Braxton Todd—the

  bachelor who went for thousands at charity auctions.

  Braxton clutched Fabian, without a doubt showing they were

  together, but in Fabian’s mind he had no idea if the fans and

  paparazzi assumed it was Braxton’s latest one-nighter.

  When someone with a microphone, sporting a television logo

  on it, yelled, “Mr Todd! Who’s the guy with you?”

  Braxton answered, “My fiancé!” He gave Fabian a wicked

  look and put his arm around him.

  “Fiancé? Has the unattainable Braxton Todd finally met Mr

  Right?” the reporter asked.

  “Yes! Now leave me alone!”

  Fabian blinked in shock as the crowd went insane, and more

  camera flashes blinded him.

  Once they were inside the theater lobby, Fabian felt as if he

  could breathe.

  Braxton spun around, got on one knee and held Fabian’s hand

  in both of his. “Marry me?”

  “Huh?” Fabian noticed everyone around them stop and gawk.

  “Marry me!” Braxton repeated louder, tears in his eyes.

  Fabian fought with the thoughts in his head. One week?

  Drunk? Will fully regret the offer in the morning?

  “The coaster!” Braxton said, appearing to plead. “I promise.

  Fabian, I promise.”

  “Yes! You crazy fucker! But it’s going to be a long

  engagement!” Fabian gasped as Braxton bolted up like a rocket,

  lunged at him to kiss him, holding him so tightly he could barely


  Marry Braxton Todd?

  Yeah, why not? Life will never be dull.

  Braxton groaned sensually and pressed his forehead against

  Fabian’s. “You’re the one. You are the one.” Tears rolled down

  Braxton’s cheeks.

  Fabian laughed but was so stunned he didn’t know what to

  say or do. Braxton held his hand and they trotted into the theater

  before anyone could ask any questions, getting preferential

  treatment for the premiere viewing of the new film.

  Fabian sat beside Braxton on the cushioned seat and asked,

  “You mean it?”

  “Every word.”

  “You drunk?

  “Not that drunk.”

  Braxton cupped the back of Fabian’s hair and kissed him. A

  chorus of cheers and whistles went up around them as it was


  Marry you? Oh, yes. I will. Fabian grinned at his lover

  wickedly. He waited until Braxton was distracted by the man

  seated on the opposite side of him, then texted Naomi,

  ‘ Congratulate me. I just got a proposal.’

  ‘ Squeeeee! ’ was sent back and she added, ‘ I knew it! find me! ’

  ‘I’ll try, but man, it’s crazy in here.’

  ‘ congrats, Fabe- he better know what he’s getting! ’

  ‘ yeah, he does.’

  Braxton looked back at him, and then the phone. “You


  “Sharing the news with Naomi.”

  Braxton smiled warmly at him. “If she’s in the theater, we’ll

  make sure we find her.”

  “Good.” Fabian stretched over the back of the seat, but the

  place was so crowded, he didn’t even try to find her, even with

  text direction. All that mattered was he was happy.

  Chapter 17

  Sunday morning Braxton struggled to open his eyes.

  “Ow.” He rubbed his aching head and squinted at the light

  coming into the bedroom. “Fuck.” He tried to recall last night.

  Oh yeah. The premiere.

  The movie was so good, he’d actually sat through it. That was

  unusual. Then of course came more drinks and food after.

  Though he was tired, Braxton was coaxed to come and celebrate

  such a fabulous start to the film’s long line of openings


  But…he was dying now. He slowly moved his feet to the

  floor and held his head as he sat upright. Managing to get

  vertical, he walked over piles of black and white formalwear to

  the kitchen, opened a cabinet and shook three ibuprofens into his

  hand. With bottled water, he swallowed them down, guzzling the

  water to stem the dehydration. Once the water bottle was empty,

  Braxton tossed it into the sink, scuffed his heels to the bathroom

  and relieved himself, trying not to peek at his reflection. Hung

  over. Hated it.

  After peeing, he splashed his face and brushed his teeth.

  Then, exhausted, he made his way back to bed. He bumped into

  a naked man in the hall.

  “Damn.” Fabian rubbed his face and asked, “Aspirins?”

  It took Braxton a second to decide why Fabian was here, then

  he remembered. Because he’s supposed to be.

  Leading the way back to the kitchen, Braxton handed him a

  pill bottle, mumbled, “Water is in the fridge,” and managed to

  get back to the bedroom. He made sure the blinds were shut and

  pulled the curtain over the window, darkening the room.

  Lying down, nestling under the cozy blankets, he watched

  Fabian walk by the bedroom to the bathroom and heard the door


  As the recollection of last night really hit, Braxton

  remembered proposing to Fabian. “Oh no.” He cringed and

  scrubbed his head through his hair in agony. Peeking at the

  clock, which read nearing eleven, Braxton noticed something

  else on his nightstand beside his and Fabian’s phones. He picked

  it up and read, ‘ I, Fabian Rhys, will not leave Braxton Todd, no matter what happens between us.’

  No matter what?

  Braxton held the coaster to his chest. He heard the toilet

  flush, the water run, and then spotted Fabian returning, looking

  as crappy as he felt. Fabian dropped beside him on the bed and

  moaned. “How can you live like this? I’m going to die.”

  Braxton smiled, even through his headache. “I hate it. Are

  you kidding? It sucks.” He rolled over and stared at Fabian’s

  profile. “Do you remember last night?”

  “Yeah. Look…you were drunk. I get it.”

  Braxton put the coaster on Fabian’s chest. “Will you add to

  this vow that it includes love as well?”

  Fabian instantly met his eyes. “Huh?”

  Braxton tapped the coaster. “I wasn’t so drunk I didn’t know

  what I was doing.”

  “You…you really want to marry me?” Fabian picked up the

  coaster and stared at it.

  “Only if you say yes.” Braxton wished his headache would go

  away. Now.

  “I did. Didn’t I?” Fabian rolled over to face Braxton, the

  coaster in his hand.

  “You said we had to have a long engagement. I took that as a

  maybe.” Braxton yawned and rubbed his eyes.

  “I just think it’s better if we try it out.”

  “Live together?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.”

  “I like you here.” Braxton shifted closer so their legs touched.

  “But I’m warning you, I’m horrible to live with.”

  “Well, I want to see how horrible, and if you’re ju
st not being

  hard on yourself again. I’m pretty anal about stuff as well.”

  “Mm. Anal.” Braxton went for a touch of Fabian’s crotch but

  his head was still pounding so he didn’t know if he could get into

  anything hot and heavy until the meds kicked in.

  Fabian flapped the coaster at him. “And yes. I don’t mind

  adding in love as well.”

  “Don’t hit me. I’m in agony.”

  Fabian reached across Braxton and put the coaster down on

  the nightstand, cuddling him to his chest. “That’s why I hate


  “Me too. Christ, I feel rough.” Braxton rested on Fabian’s

  chest and closed his eyes.

  Fabian kissed his hair. “Me too. Let’s sleep a little more and

  hope the ibuprofen kicks in.”

  “Deal.” Braxton nestled in and let out a low exhale. Stay with

  me. Never leave me.


  Fabian stirred from a light sleep. He felt better, his head

  didn’t throb anymore. He knew it was lazy to sleep so late, but

  they hadn’t gotten back to the condo until nearly two a.m.

  And once Braxton had proposed? Yeah, Fabian drank too

  much champagne.

  Did he think it was a true marriage proposal? No. But now?

  After this morning and Braxton recalling doing it? Yes.

  They were out of their minds. It was certainly possible if…if

  Fabian moved in…

  He looked around the spacious luxury condo.

  They may not make it. But, life was about taking chances and

  gambling. And no one had asked him that question before. No


  ‘ Marry me.’

  It was a first marriage proposal in thirty-five years.

  He couldn’t do any better than Braxton Todd. Fabian knew

  that. The man was everything, and meant everything to him.

  Turning to look in his direction, Fabian admired Braxton’s

  spectacular looks. His shaggy mane, sensually messy, his jaw

  dark with his thick new beard growth, and his lips full and rose


  The painkillers working their magic, Fabian hoped Braxton

  felt better too. He went for Braxton’s hip under the covers and

  inched his way to Braxton’s cock. It was semi-erect and warm

  from his wonderful body heat. Fabian made his way under the

  blanket and engulfed Braxton’s cock, holding it in his mouth.

  A moan of pleasure preceded Braxton dropping to his back

  and a touch on Fabian’s head through the sheet.

  Understanding Braxton well by now, Fabian kept sucking,

  because this man said and did as he pleased, and if he did not

  want a blowjob, Fabian would already know.

  Braxton Todd wanted his dick sucked.

  With encouraging noises and touches, Braxton communicated

  to Fabian to enjoy. The blanket was lowered, so Fabian held

  Braxton’s cock at the base and peeked at him. Braxton’s eyes

  were that delightful combination of gold and green at the


  “Headache gone?” Fabian asked, pressing his lips to the head

  of Braxton’s cock.

  “Yeah, but I have another kind of ache, in a different head.”

  At that wicked smirk, Fabian drew as much of Braxton’s cock

  into his mouth as he could, humming in pleasure and getting

  cozy on the bed so he could enjoy it as much as Braxton.

  While Fabian grew hard himself, he wanted sex, not just oral

  sex. So with intentions of sitting on his man’s length, Fabian

  sucked him just to get Braxton as hard and excited as he could.

  Fabian tasted pre-cum. He knelt up and panted, catching his

  breath as he pulled on his own length.

  Braxton, reading his mind easily, reached into the nightstand

  and tossed Fabian the lube while he rolled on a condom.

  Fabian waited until Braxton’s cock was sheathed, then he

  used the slippery gel on it. Once he got Braxton good and slick,

  he wiped the residue on his own cock, so when he jacked off

  during sex, it was better.

  Straddling Braxton’s hips, Fabian pointed his dick towards

  his ass and sank down on it.

  Braxton held Fabian’s waist, allowing him to go at his own

  pace. Fabian worked his way down, seated on Braxton and

  feeling his entire length inside him. “Braxton…wow.”

  Braxton reached for Fabian’s cock and drew his palms over

  it, making it throb. Once his body had relaxed, Fabian began

  bouncing up and down on Braxton, thrilled Braxton was

  touching him, having assumed he’d have to do it himself.


  Braxton stared at Fabian’s body as he appeared to pleasure

  himself internally using his cock. The sex didn’t get worse after

  the first time, as he assumed it would do—it became amazing.

  What had Braxton been so afraid of?


  Not now.

  He joined Fabian in his sexual dance, meeting each of

  Fabian’s downward thrusts with an upward one of his own.

  Fabian’s eyes closed and his sexual vocalizations were glorious

  to Braxton’s ears. As if Braxton had indeed hit Fabian’s inner

  sweet spot, Fabian’s cock thickened in his palms and Braxton

  watched as Fabian’s expression contorted to pure lustful


  When Fabian came, his cum spattered Braxton’s chest and

  hands. Braxton didn’t even wait until Fabian’s climax subsided.

  He quickly moved Fabian, still connected, to lie on the bed on

  his side, and Braxton fucked him, leaning up on one elbow

  staring at the connection between them, loving it. Yes, loving it.

  “Oh, fuck…” Braxton came and drove in deeply, shuddering

  as his groin swirled with intensity and his cock throbbed inside

  his hot lover.

  “God…Braxton…” Fabian drooped limply to the bed. “Sex

  with you is a religious experience.”

  Braxton pulled out and collapsed against Fabian. “I do love

  you. I wasn’t just saying that last night because I was drunk.”

  The sparkle of adoration shone in Fabian’s eyes. Braxton

  smiled back, hoping he was communicating the same affection.

  “Marry me?”

  “Oh hell yeah.”

  Braxton grabbed Fabian and pulled him into a violent

  embrace, holding him so tight he knew it was painful for Fabian

  and pushing his face into Fabian’s neck to hide his tears.

  Chapter 18

  Monday morning, Braxton had finished his workout with Tyson,

  showered, and dressed in his business suit. Feeling invigorated

  and happy—for the first time…in his life?—Braxton held his

  gym bag in his hand and checked his phone as he walked to the

  exit of the spa.


  He spun around just before he made a call, putting an

  earpiece into his ear so he could work hands free as he drove to

  the office. “Ms Steinman?” Braxton was surprised to see

  Virginia there, but then recalled Tyson mentioning he was dating

  her brother Howard.

  “Hey! Don’t you look hawt!” She hugged him and he

  received it stiffly, not hugging back.

  “I’m on my way to work. Sorry.”

  “No problem. I just wanted you to meet my…err…straight

nbsp; friend, Max.”

  Braxton just noticed a young man in his early twenties, built

  like an Adonis, gorgeous as one as well, giving him a shy smile.

  Oh dear.

  “I told him all about you, Braxton!” Virginia whacked

  Braxton’s arm as if they had been buddies for ages. She leaned

  closer and whispered, “Totally bi-curious. Wants the first time to

  be with an experienced older man.”

  Oh dear, oh dear. Braxton gave the spectacular young male a once over.

  “Hi.” Max shifted his weight nervously, his tank top showing











  “Uh…” Braxton pointed to the exit.

  “So?” Virginia grinned devilishly. “When can I set you boys

  up for some, man on man fun?” Again she whispered quietly,

  “No strings attached, he has a girlfriend.”

  Shoot me now!

  Braxton salivated at the thought. “Well, I…”

  “I can give Max your phone number. Ya know? So you two

  can arrange something…private.” Virginia winked and hugged a

  very nervous-looking Max.

  “I…well…” Braxton licked his lips at the muscular young

  thing, who appeared eager for a taste of forbidden fruit.

  “He’s a boy who loves boys who love boys.” She giggled.

  “Or should I say men who love men. Something like that.” She

  looked back at Max. “Isn’t he a doll? Captain of his lacrosse

  team in college. Honor roll. He’s the best.”

  Max blushed deep crimson and Braxton could see his erection

  engorge even more.

  “I…well…” Braxton ran his hand through his hair. “I can’t.

  I’m engaged.”

  Virginia’s jaw dropped dramatically. “To a guy or girl?”

  “A guy. Though a week ago I would have jumped at the

  chance…” Braxton bit his lower lip and eyed Max-the

  magnificent. “Now? I’m spoken for. Good luck to you, Max. I

  know you’ll find a man who can’t say no.” Braxton spun on his

  heels towards the door.

  “I thought you were that man!” Virginia called after him.

  “You sure?”

  “Sure.” Braxton didn’t turn around and tapped his phone to

  dial as he left the spa and headed to his car.

  “Hey, lover.”

  “Hey, Fabian.” Braxton grinned as he tossed his gym bag in

  the trunk of his car and sat behind the wheel. “I’m on my way.”